When I disappear, do you fear for the sister I took?
When I disappear, it is clear I am up to no good.
Perhaps more than any other time during the year, the holidays are filled with lists in order for us to stay organized. There are millions of lists written to Saint Nick, and in turn, millions of more lists written by parents so they can remember what to buy for their children. (I mean, of course Santa Clause exists, but mommy and daddy just want to buy you extra presents.) There are lists of whom to send Christmas cards to, and grocery lists of what to buy for the (dreaded) family dinner. But, after the Christmas rush has quieted -- you guessed it -- a couple more lists. New Year's resolutions, that rarely succeed, are mental lists reminding us to quit smoking and lose ten pounds. As I said, they rarely succeed. In spirit of the holidays we all love (and hate), I have decided to fill you in with my own lists.
The Ghost of Festivus Past
1) Exams
2) Terrible Flights
3) Christmas and 2010
4) Quality Love Time
The Ghost of Festivus Future
1) Niagara Falls
2) Oil Thigh
3) Montego Bay
4) Life
1) Ed's Terrible Cat
2) Keskas Basement
3) J&J
4) Brave Friend