We will come back some day.
I am sorry, dear readers, for today I must announce that I will be on a blogging hiatus. There will be no updates until my exams are finished, which will be on December 21st. Wish me luck, please, because I most certainly will need it.
Until then!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Forgive me.
Fear not children, I am here now. I know how hard it must have been, anxiety surging through you during those sleepless nights. When is Z going to post her pictures from her film camera!?
Oh, didn't I tell you I bought my first film camera? Well, then... It is a nifty little fisheye2, and it only cost me forty dollars. I am quite pleased.
Not all of my photos turned out exactly how I wanted them to, which is hard to believe, coming from a being of perfection such as myself. (If you actually think I'm serious, please get to know me better.) This roll of film was my trial run. Mental note: use the flash whenever possible!
I like film, because film is raw. You can't take a million pictures with your film camera, deleting the undesirable mistakes on your LCD screen. No, I think that film really measures a photographer, and I am quite eager to improve.
These photos were from last weekend. Some were from the Brand New concert, if any of you recognize the graffiti on the back of the Kool Haus. That's where we saw Jessie Lacey, up close and scruffy! A couple of these photos were taken after Gregory and I got our H1N1 vaccination. If any of you plan on getting it, I advise you do not have it done in your dominate arm. It was the least painful needle I have ever had, but my arm still hurts like a bitch.
I was wondering how the music was on my blog. Is it too depressing and creepy? Probably. Anyway, if you have an opinion, let me know.
I probably won't be doing a self-portrait for a while, because I honestly can't think of any new concepts. Maybe you guys could help me out.
Well, that's all for today. It's time for my group to practice for our Cape audition. Gets who gets to be
Take it easy.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And we pray that they turn into seeds, to roots and to grass,
It'd be all right, all right.
It'd be easier that way.
Mom, stop nagging me! I know that I take too many pictures of my lips.
This is what I did today:
1) Woke up, felt like crap, ate some yogurt, and went back to bed.
2) Woke up again, had a shower, went to physiology, and I was bored.
3) Went to Metro, bought food, waited forever for the bus, came home.
4) Took a picture, blogged about it.
5) Listened to "Daisy" on Brand New's new album repeatedly.
Isn't my life exciting? I know how jealous all of you are, you don't have to tell me.
(Please tell me.)
Monday, November 23, 2009

But, do me a favour, baby; don't reply.
Finally, my time at the Clinical Education Centre is up. Until next year, crappy conservative clothing!
Wow, you could potentially stalk me with the information given in this photo. But, please don't, because it's just going to be awkward for everybody.
So, Gregory and I saw Brand New this weekend, and it was pretty freaking sweet. It's unfortunate that our forgetfulness... wait... Oh yeah, we forgot to buy earplugs, and there are no "ins and outs" at rock concerts anymore. However, I could have brought a knife into that concert with the oh-so-thorough bag searches they do.
My point is that we had to leave early because my ears were killing me.
I think the coolest part of the night was stalking Jessie Lacey. We were just taking some pictures outside of the Kool Haus, when the back doors open, and two scruffy looking men walk out to the Loblaws across the street. We looked at each other for a moment, thinking "no way." We pretended we were just taking pictures for a long time, hoping that they would come back, but it was a little creepy after ten minutes. Some time after that, we went into the Loblaws to get some warmth and food. (At least it's not snowing, unlike Thunder Bay, I bet.) Sure enough, we saw the band buying a lot of junk food. Since Greg was being such a pansy, I decided to man up and go talk to Jessie Lacey. He shook our hands and I blushed like a little school girl. He was really, really nice.
All of the above is true, except the part where Greg was a pansy and I manned up. It was the other way around.
I guess I always thought that Jessie Lacey would be a bit of a dick, just because of his lyrics. He proved me wrong. Dammit, I like being judgmental!
Physiology time. Word.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Buddy Holly

Oh, oh, and you're Mary Taylor Moore.
I don't care what they say about us anyway.
I don't care about that.
If I actually cared, I would have spent more than two seconds editing this photo. But, guess what? I don't care, and I like it!
(That's the nutrition assignment talking, by the way.)

Hey mom and dad, meet my not-so-new boyfriend. Gregory is a wonderful little grizzly bear who happened to raid my campsite almost four years ago. Even though our friendship and relationship has been put to many tests, we have always come out victorious. I can't really say much else, other than that he is everything to me. You should check out his blog, because he can use words in ways that I could only hope to.
You know what else makes Greg cool? The fact that he named his dwarf hamster Thor.
I suppose I should finish this assignment before it kicks my ass even harder. At university, sleep seems like a thing of the past. Sorry I haven't been updating on a regular basis, for those who care. Nursing is really, really sucking the life out of me. I think if I can scrape by first year, I will be very, very proud of myself.

Not much longer until Christmas. I can't wait to go home again.
I need a Coke.
I need some sleep.
I need to start doing what I want.
I need to finish this post.
Later days.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Just Because
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Cosmic Love

Greetings, follower(s). Did you miss me?
I had quite the exciting week, and thus I was too lazy to update. My favourite people in the world came to visit me, at the same time! My boyfriend left Thursday, and my best friend just left today. Now that I am all by my lonesome, I can tell you about the adventures I had.
My friend and I went downtown yesterday to do some extensive shopping. Okay, by extensive shopping, I mean I watched her shop for about three hours. I had fun, though. It was like the good ole days back in the Bay.

We went for a late lunch at an extremely Asian restaurant. When I mean "extremely Asian," I mean that they had karaoke music playing the entire time we were there, even though nobody was singing. It started to get on my nerves, to be honest. Thankfully, the delicious food they served distracted me from the sheer pain that my ears were enduring.
We ordered many fabulous things, such as miso soup (not pictured), a cherry blossom roll (right), a dragon roll (left), and a... I don't remember what it was called (left). The cherry blossom roll was definitely our favourite. The mystery roll consisted of crab, mango, and yogurt, which was surprisingly tasty. I don't think I'd order it again, though.

We discovered a little indie movie theatre, too! We saw the movie "Bright Star," which was based on the romance between John Keats and Fanny Brawne. Just for the record, it was a heartbreaker.
I also got drunk, which will not be explained in great detail. I know, I know, it's a tragedy.
I will resume my self-portrait challenge tomorrow, we'll say.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
But It's Better If You Do

What a fool I am to think that one of those taxis might be you coming to sweep me off of my feet. How stupid it is to wonder if you have written about me somewhere. I know what the answers are, and for some reason, I keep wishing they will change. But, they won't, because it was me who had to change my entirety for you.
I won't be Romeo anymore. I won't come to you, crying, saying that I miss you and telling you how I'm sorry. I won't, because you don't know what it's like to chase somebody the way I have chased you for four years. Oh, except for your ex-girlfriend of three months.
This is the last thing I will write about you.
Anyway, Happy Halloween.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Old Friend
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Disorder and Dissarray
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Los Angeles Is Burning

I know what you're thinking, and yes, it is Clinique Angelic!
*laughter* *applause*
Well folks, it's that time of year again. No, it's not Halloween! It's flu season! The most wonderful time of the year! So, this year, I figure that I'll be giving out chewable vitamin C tablets for Halloween instead of candy. Amirite?
(I am not right.)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
You Only Live Once
Monday, October 26, 2009
Everytime I Look For You

As I drown deeper and deeper into the sea of midterms, I try and hold onto something, anything, for support. Reaching out, I grasp something familiar with my feeble hands, dragging it down into the raging waters with me... Wait, something familiar? Nothing should feel familiar here... Suddenly, realization hits me in the stomach, sending a shock throughout my body. It's... No, it can't be... Could it be my...
... diet?
In relation to the story and my second self-portrait (which made me drool all over the place in the process, thank you), yes, I have been neglecting my diet. Normally, I eat pretty healthy, and I usually make sure to get at least five servings of vegetables and fruit a day. But, as it is with a busy schedule, those delicious microwave dishes that are brimming with sodium call out to me. We all have our own siren song, people.
Also, the look on my face asks "How come I'm not eating Kraft Dinner!?"
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Still Take You Home

Hello lovelies. My name is Zoe, and introductions are not my forte.
I do the things a normal Canadian girl my age does. I hang out with my boyfriend and my friends, I go to university, I attempt to do my studies well, I listen to good music, I love taking photographs, and I occasionally take my top off and sing Stevie Nicks' songs when I'm drunk.
(Joking about the last bit.)
I use a Kodak EasyShare C813, which is by no means a professional camera. I use Windows Photo Gallery to edit my photos, which is by no means a professional program. But, I make due. I enjoy constructive criticism when it comes to my photographs, and if you would like to share, it would be appreciated!
I'm going to try the 365 Self-Portrait Challenge, so you will be sure to see me being a big narcissist throughout the course of this blog.
But, for now, there is a sleep party in my bed and none of you are invited.
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