Forgive me.
Fear not children, I am here now. I know how hard it must have been, anxiety surging through you during those sleepless nights. When is Z going to post her pictures from her film camera!?
Oh, didn't I tell you I bought my first film camera? Well, then... It is a nifty little fisheye2, and it only cost me forty dollars. I am quite pleased.
Not all of my photos turned out exactly how I wanted them to, which is hard to believe, coming from a being of perfection such as myself. (If you actually think I'm serious, please get to know me better.) This roll of film was my trial run. Mental note: use the flash whenever possible!
I like film, because film is raw. You can't take a million pictures with your film camera, deleting the undesirable mistakes on your LCD screen. No, I think that film really measures a photographer, and I am quite eager to improve.
These photos were from last weekend. Some were from the Brand New concert, if any of you recognize the graffiti on the back of the Kool Haus. That's where we saw Jessie Lacey, up close and scruffy! A couple of these photos were taken after Gregory and I got our H1N1 vaccination. If any of you plan on getting it, I advise you do not have it done in your dominate arm. It was the least painful needle I have ever had, but my arm still hurts like a bitch.
I was wondering how the music was on my blog. Is it too depressing and creepy? Probably. Anyway, if you have an opinion, let me know.
I probably won't be doing a self-portrait for a while, because I honestly can't think of any new concepts. Maybe you guys could help me out.
Well, that's all for today. It's time for my group to practice for our Cape audition. Gets who gets to be
Take it easy.
I really like a lot of those photos, though they didn't turn out how I expected them.
ReplyDeleteI will rack my brain for portrait concepts. I'm sure I can think of something.
It looks like I have two heads in the picture of me. I like it.
I love you, babe.
I really like the trees :). WISH I could take pictures as well as you, just by the way. Also Greg pointing at the camera = intimidating. Uncle Sam wants you?