Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Not Tonight
I just won't do.
Sit tight, kiddies. What We Do Is Secret is going to have a nice little make-over. But, not tonight.
Sit tight, kiddies. What We Do Is Secret is going to have a nice little make-over. But, not tonight.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is a public service announcement.
Can I be straight with you for a minute? Your new year's resolutions probably flew out the window the second the clock struck twelve on January second. For most of us, that little list consisted of egocentric goals such as "lose ten pounds" or "stop eating processed foods." But, what about goals such as "be kind to others" and "donate to charity"?
My friend, Patrick Rivers, is part of Run To End Poverty, an organization that aims to relieve poverty in African countries. Now, Patrick is a swell guy, and it makes me sad to see that he is having a little bit of trouble getting people to sponsor him for his run. If everybody donated five dollars instead of going out to rent a movie this weekend, think of the difference it could make.
Every dollar counts. I donated. Will you?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Don't Walk Away Eileen

Crying on the corner with my head in my hands.
I called her name and she ran,
Slipping through my fingers like a fist full of sand.
For reasons unknown to myself and to my victims, I am seldom able to keep a promise. To me, being able to keep a promise is up there with the ability to fly and see through walls. Why has this come to my attention, you may ask?
If I could keep a promise, I would not take your picture. If I could keep a promise, I would stop writing about you. If I could keep a promise, I would use all of this art and life inside of me to do something productive.
I wish I could keep this promise, but keeping promises is hard these days since you broke my heart.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Carry the Zero

I have come to a sad realization, my friends; I will most likely be standing alone for my class graduation photograph.
Please, do not misunderstand me. I do have friends at university. Let's see... one in political science, two in concurrent education, and two who are moving to Vancouver. Bastards.
I suppose that I am not a very approachable person. However, I do not doubt myself. I know that there is truly something genuine about me, and perhaps it is that "something" that makes others shy away. Believe me, I will not laugh wholeheartedly at your jokes if they are terrible, and I am not about to compliment you on that very... original... Lululemon sweater. But, that's just me.
So, suck it.
Friday, March 12, 2010

Like a riot,
Like a riot, oh.
I'm not easily offended.
Hello, Blogger World. Guess what? Only forty-seven more days until the highly anticipated release of "summer". Can I get a "what what"?
(What what!)
School took a giant shit on my face. Literally. Well, no, not literally. That's disgusting. Anyway, it will be good to be back in my hometown. You see, I have many goals and ambitions for this coming summer. Oh yes, it's going to be big. I...
... am probably going to work at Safeway. Yes, I know what you're thinking, and no -- life actually doesn't get better than that.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Trippin' Down the Freeway

The following program is brought to you in part by Z's inability to print off the proper lecture for biochemistry, Z's short attention span, and from contributions from viewers like you. Thank you.
"Here I am, sitting in Kingston Hall, room 101. It's not the same without you here. ('It's over, Neo.') I feel half as confident without you around, if that.
I feel lost in this sea of babble. Talks about class and finals, bar night and 'Rape the Cape'. The noise around me fills me with frustration, and the smallest hint of envy.
Oh, biochemistry, how I don't understand you. Your talks of reductions and reactions are too complex to me to fully comprehend. When one thinks in pictures, it is hard to imagine something so small.
'Keep your eye on the prize.' I dream of the day that we are both finished with school, living in a cramped shoebox of an apartment somewhere near Toronto's core. The only time that we will not be close enough to touch is when we are both at work. We will have some cash, some plants, and maybe a little dog we can call our own. We will make our own Thai food and spend our Saturday afternoons at the St. Lawrence Market, looking at vintage rings and comic books. We probably will not purchase either because we know that our dog or potbelly pig (I forgot to mention him) will chew the shit outta it.
Things will be lovely. Instead of spending money on cleaning our disgusting carpets or buying another season of some hilarious new sitcom on Blu Ray, we will go to Sundance or some funky science fiction festival. We will 'marvel' at the young, indie hipsters and remember when it was acceptable to wear old Joy Division tees and ripped denim on a regular basis.
Of course, we will still be young at heart. If we both have the time, we will take a trip to Spadina and venture into the sketchy Chinatown malls. We will eat 'real' Chinese food and spend countless twoonies on those vending machines that dispense knock-off toys from the Digimon series. People will look at us.
Things will be better then. We will not be spending money on uncomfortable bus rides anymore. Instead, we will save that money for an exciting journey to a far away place. Maybe Australia, if you are up for it.
Twenty-six minutes left of class. I am feeling exhausted. Maybe it is because I looked over at the girl in the row across from me, her head on the desk and her eyes closed. Good to know that I am not the only one who is not paying attention today."
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Leif Erikson

But if your life is such a big joke, why should I care?
A thought, one that is perhaps even more insignificant than this blog update, has been churning over in my mind lately. I am not sure where this thought originated from (perhaps in the nipple-covered pages of Details magazine), but it has been quite frequent as of late. Feminist readers beware.
"If I were a man, I am most certain that I would be drowning in a sea of female genitalia by now. I bet that chicks would eat this introverted-depression shit right up."
That is all.
Monday, February 8, 2010

I am inspired to write today by a dear friend, one who I have known for several years. In fact, now that I think about it, this post will be inspired by many friends whom I admire very, very much.
Forgiveness is a notion that I have found most tricky in my nineteen years of life. I often find myself holding onto the pettiest of grudges, even years after the particular event has passed. I was never quite sure why I had such a difficult time letting things go... Perhaps, after witnessing such compelling acts of forgiveness, a new light is shed on my perspective.
As juvenile as it may sound, maybe I should get a tattoo... A constant reminder. Something that would tell me every day to "live and let die," so to speak. Oh, I can hear my Catholic father weeping at this very moment...
But, he'll forgive me.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rummaging through answers in the pages.
We're living in a den of thieves,
And it's contagious.
For the first time, in perhaps a very long time, I am feeling as if I have good fortune.
If one is to believe in luck, then they know that they are most definitely lucky if they have experienced the kind of love that I have in my life. It is simply undeniable to know that you are in a good place when your lover -- and your friend -- has their arms tightly wrapped around you. When the both of you wake up for the sixth time that evening (compliments of your noisy neighbours, no less) and, instead of a grumpy exchange, whisper "I love you so much"... Well, you get the picture.
I will openly admit that I am a sap. But, I am a happy sap, none the less.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Fade Together
C'mon, I'll take you far away.
Let's get away.
C'mon, let's make a getaway.
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things don't turn out the way that you want them to.
Sometimes, after all of the fighting and the painful sacrifice, you still feel like you are left in the dark.
Sometimes, you just don't have it in you to be angry or hurt anymore. Sometimes, you end up being cold to the ones you love.
But, no matter what, you just have to make the best of things.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
When I disappear, do you fear for the sister I took?
When I disappear, it is clear I am up to no good.
Perhaps more than any other time during the year, the holidays are filled with lists in order for us to stay organized. There are millions of lists written to Saint Nick, and in turn, millions of more lists written by parents so they can remember what to buy for their children. (I mean, of course Santa Clause exists, but mommy and daddy just want to buy you extra presents.) There are lists of whom to send Christmas cards to, and grocery lists of what to buy for the (dreaded) family dinner. But, after the Christmas rush has quieted -- you guessed it -- a couple more lists. New Year's resolutions, that rarely succeed, are mental lists reminding us to quit smoking and lose ten pounds. As I said, they rarely succeed. In spirit of the holidays we all love (and hate), I have decided to fill you in with my own lists.
The Ghost of Festivus Past
1) Exams
2) Terrible Flights
3) Christmas and 2010
4) Quality Love Time
The Ghost of Festivus Future
1) Niagara Falls
2) Oil Thigh
3) Montego Bay
4) Life
1) Ed's Terrible Cat
2) Keskas Basement
3) J&J
4) Brave Friend
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