The following program is brought to you in part by Z's inability to print off the proper lecture for biochemistry, Z's short attention span, and from contributions from viewers like you. Thank you.
"Here I am, sitting in Kingston Hall, room 101. It's not the same without you here. ('It's over, Neo.') I feel half as confident without you around, if that.
I feel lost in this sea of babble. Talks about class and finals, bar night and 'Rape the Cape'. The noise around me fills me with frustration, and the smallest hint of envy.
Oh, biochemistry, how I don't understand you. Your talks of reductions and reactions are too complex to me to fully comprehend. When one thinks in pictures, it is hard to imagine something so small.
'Keep your eye on the prize.' I dream of the day that we are both finished with school, living in a cramped shoebox of an apartment somewhere near Toronto's core. The only time that we will not be close enough to touch is when we are both at work. We will have some cash, some plants, and maybe a little dog we can call our own. We will make our own Thai food and spend our Saturday afternoons at the St. Lawrence Market, looking at vintage rings and comic books. We probably will not purchase either because we know that our dog or potbelly pig (I forgot to mention him) will chew the shit outta it.
Things will be lovely. Instead of spending money on cleaning our disgusting carpets or buying another season of some hilarious new sitcom on Blu Ray, we will go to Sundance or some funky science fiction festival. We will 'marvel' at the young, indie hipsters and remember when it was acceptable to wear old Joy Division tees and ripped denim on a regular basis.
Of course, we will still be young at heart. If we both have the time, we will take a trip to Spadina and venture into the sketchy Chinatown malls. We will eat 'real' Chinese food and spend countless twoonies on those vending machines that dispense knock-off toys from the Digimon series. People will look at us.
Things will be better then. We will not be spending money on uncomfortable bus rides anymore. Instead, we will save that money for an exciting journey to a far away place. Maybe Australia, if you are up for it.
Twenty-six minutes left of class. I am feeling exhausted. Maybe it is because I looked over at the girl in the row across from me, her head on the desk and her eyes closed. Good to know that I am not the only one who is not paying attention today."
You write more beautifully than anything I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to have a life more wonderful than either of us can imagine.
Australia sounds good to me, babe.
I love you more than anything.